Bodies under construction (Listín Diario)
8 April, 2014
Rhinoplasty: A more aesthetic nose
22 November, 2014
In the search for aesthetic treatments on the part of men and women we occasionally detect a disorder of the self-image, called dysmorphobic disorder or body dysmorphism.
In the last three decades, plastic surgery has developed impressively. Just pay attention to our surroundings, most of us have a friend, friend or relative who has undergone some procedure, while a few years ago we only saw or knew about plastic surgery through television and artists, often with excesses in the use of plastic surgery that we should not emulate.
Plastic surgery is today an efficient tool for men and women, provided that prudent use is made and avoiding excesses.
For centuries, the narcissistic personality has been known and today it is further stimulated by the massification of traditional media, the internet and social networks, of pursuing a false stereotype or wanting to have a perfect appearance. However, plastic surgery does not offer magical changes and the expectations of those who opt for aesthetic procedures must be realistic.
Body dysmorphia in a psychological disorder in which a person notices bodily defects that only she sees, and even magnifies them to the point that prevents them from carrying out a normal family, social and work life.
Hence the relevance that plastic surgeons give to the psychological aspect of each patient. It could be assumed that we rely more on the proportions of the body or the procedure itself from the technical point of view; But the truth is that we care more about the emotions, expectations and motivations that lead a person to undergo a plastic surgery procedure.
When a woman is a candidate for a plastic surgery procedure, the benefits can be innumerable. It is known that self-esteem and security improve, as well as physical appearance; Both facial and breasts, body and buttocks. In addition we realize for our patients of the changes even in intimacy and sensuality.
Many females after pregnancy, over the years or changes in weight undergo changes in their anatomy that causes them difficulty in using a certain type of clothing; Things that are normal and that plastic surgery can solve. However, knowing that plastic surgery is not magic and being sensible in the search for changes and results is an indispensable requirement to be a candidate for surgical treatments.
In the Dominican Republic we work for a culture that promotes realistic plastic surgeries; effective and above all safe. Our commitment is to the health of our patients.