Breast lift surgery
Mastopexy or breast lift, is the surgical intervention by which the sagging of the chest is corrected, lifting and reshaping the breast. It corrects the impact of natural factors such as weight loss, breastfeeding or the passage of time.

Surgery time





Before undergoing a mastopexy, the rules indicated by Dr. Franklin Peña must be followed so that the intervention is as effective as possible, naming a few:
- Do not take food or alcoholic beverages 8 hours before the intervention.
- Do not take drugs of any kind.
- Bring comfortable and loose clothing for after the operation.
- Be accompanied by a family member or friend
On the day of the initial consultation, we proceed to carry out an anamnesis (historical medical record) to find out the patient’s history. Then in front of the mirror, detailed planning of the procedure and surgical options is performed.
As in any procedure, laboratory tests and cardiovascular and respiratory evaluation. It is also examined by the anesthesiologist prior to surgery where the patient is explained in detail, the type of anesthesia most convenient for your case. If you suffer from hypertension, diabetes or thyroid it must be controlled and obtain the authorization of your GP.
Mastopexy is carried out to treat women who have a sagging or sagging breast. This corrects the profile of the chest, regardless of the size of the patient.
By not placing an implant, the breast is left with a very natural appearance, which is a great advantage for many. But, it should be noted that to increase or improve the appearance of fullness of the breasts, mastopexy accompanied by implants should be considered.
Expected results
The time that the breast lift recovery process lasts depends a lot on the condition of the patient, the degree of enlargement according to her skin, and other factors, but generally, it lasts from a couple of weeks to a couple months.
The experience of each woman with the mastopexy and the final results will depend a lot on certain factors.
If you are considering breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Franklin Peña, the important thing is to improve the appearance of your breast and not to seek absolute perfection. How satisfied you are with the augmentation results will depend on knowing the limitations and having a realistic view of what your build allows. To see results of this surgery, visit our gallery
The main objective of the intervention is to reshape the breast for which, the gland will be raised, the excess flaccid skin removed and the nipple and areola relocated in a higher position.
The incisions vary depending on the technique used. The determining factor in the technique to be used is the degree of fall that the patient presents.
The duration of the surgery is also variable according to each case, it can go between 1 hour and a half, up to 4 hours.
The postoperative period is highly variable among patients. For the same intervention there are people who recover very quickly without pain and others who find it a little more difficult to recover. We recommend that the patient always follow the indications provided by Dr. Peña, since each case is particular.
The main measures to take after surgery are:
- Wear the bra indicated by Dr. Franklin Peña.
- Taking off your bra only for bathing
- The sutures are removed after three weeks
- Do not wear an underwire bra until several months after the intervention.
- Give some massages to reduce inflammation
- Avoid heavy lifting and high impact exercises.