Bichectomy, or surgery to remove Bichat balls


Bichectomy, or surgery to remove Bichat balls, is a procedure, as indicated, which involves the removal of Bichat balls from glands of fatty tissue found in the cheeks.

These clusters of fat in the cheeks do not fulfill any function, and removing them by means of a small surgery, it is possible to refine and stylize the face.


Información del procedimiento

Bichectomy (Cheeks)

Surgery time

15 minutes
Bichectomy (Cheeks)


Bichectomy (Cheeks)


Does not apply
Bichectomy (Cheeks)


5 days
Bichectomy (Cheeks)


A month
Bichectomy (Cheeks)


A month



Bichectomy is indicated for people of thin build, of any sex, who have a round and undefined face aspect. This should not be due to obesity or overweight.

Before surgery to remove Bichat balls, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the oral cavity, teeth, gums, tongue and cheeks inside to avoid possible infections.

It is recommended to quit smoking at least 15 days before surgery.


Bichat bag extraction surgery is of a minor nature, since these are simple cuts that are made on the inside of the cheeks, and from which the fat is extracted.


Las bolsas de Bichat se encuentran presenten en todas las personas, pero, esta glándula de grasa puede ser más grande o deficiente según la persona.

La bichectomia es muy solicitada por personas que tienen el rostro redondo ya que ayuda a resaltar los pómulos, brindando un aspecto de rostro más refinado. See results gallery


La bichectomía suele realizarse de manera ambulatoria, no precisa de ingreso hospitalario, y se realiza con anestesia local. A pesar de ser una cirugía menor, se debe realizar en centros especializados y habilitados para cirugía estética.


After the intervention, the compression bandage should be left for at least two hours to prevent bruising in the area. It is normal for the face to have inflammation during the first days, so the results will be noticeable from the month of the intervention, or when the inflammation has passed.

It is recommended to apply cold in the area locally during the first days after surgery. After the extraction of the Bichat balls, a treatment indicated by Dr. Franklin Peña of anti-inflammatories and antibiotics should be followed to avoid possible infections caused by ingested food.

Care should be taken to oral hygiene after treatment, and it is advised not to smoke in the following days and avoid drinking alcohol until after 15 days, to improve healing.

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