Perfiroplastia - Profileoplasty

Duration: 1.30 hours
Recovery: 10 days
Travel: 10 days

The Profileoplasty provides great harmony to the face. In the rhinoplasty not only the changes which will be made ​​in the nasal structure should be considered, but also the face as a whole. Elements such as the chin, cheeks, and forehead are those which form the profile of each.

Whenever a patient requests a rhinoplasty, we perform an aesthetic analysis of his face and along with the patient, in front of the mirror define the operative plan.

Being the center of the face, the nose undoubtedly predominates over the other elements. The rhinoplasty seeks to modify the nose in different areas, the back, the tip, the wings, the columella, etc. Our favorite technique in closed rhinoplasty; which leaves no scars and through the nostrils the necessary modifications are made.


The expectations are the most important in the nose surgery. Patients who come with the idea that, figuratively, we can remove their nose and place a new one; definitely are not candidates for this type of surgery.

There are cases where a psychological treatment might me more convenient. Now, those who have realistic expectations of what the plastic surgery, as an advanced science can offer, are the best candidates.

In the first perfiloplasty, we first operate the nose, then the chin. As a whole the lower third of the face is aesthetically defined by the rhinoplasty and the chin augmentation.

With local anesthesia and sedation we can perform the perfiloplasty; it usually lasts one hour and 30 minutes. Where a lipo of the double chin, or to soften the features of the forehead are required. Even maybe to increase or cheekbone or malar area 20 to 30 more minutes are required.

The chin deficiency which a patient may have can be improved with a chin prosthesis. There are cases on which the jaw is very small, which we call micrognathia, or which is unduly prominent; in these cases a simple increase or decrease is not required, rather an orthognathic surgery; which is performed along with the maxillofacial surgery and previous orthodontic treatment.

A common procedure in the Perfiloplasty is the Bichectomy or removal of the bichat bags. These are round shaped adiposities which found deep in the cheeks and are orally extracted. We do it with a small incision of 6 mm at the second upper molar level, producing a beautiful contour with the cheeks. This procedure alone takes 10 minutes, it’s performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. The individual recovery of the bichectomy is of 5 days.

As with any esthetic surgery the perfiloplasty is recommended from the age of 18 and the age limit will depend on the health conditions of each patient. In the cases of children with a small jaw from micrognathy or congenital deficiency, the treatment can begin in childhood.