In burn wounds we always stress the importance of prevention. It is especially important to be vigilant and be looking out for the minors.
Unfortunately over 70% of patients with burns received in our department of plastic surgery at the Hospital Regional Dr. Antonio Musa are minors. The most alarming thing is that nearly half of these are of less than one year old.
Accidents can happen, but carelessness could be the main cause. Hence our attention to the parents, grandparents and guardians of infants and children to pay full attention to avoid trauma and injury with sequels which remain for the entire life.
Plastic surgery can restore function of body parts which are burned, but the scars are irreversible. When a patient is burned, either by scalding (hot liquids) by direct fire (flames) or by contact with solid or chemical bodies, plastic surgeons can make skin grafts or flaps (transposition of skin from one place to another) to obtain a folding function, either the elbow, knee, neck, etc. Or perhaps an eyelid or the lips, but esthetics appearance can never be restored to burns of second and third degree.
The electric burns by discharges on contact with power lines still produce more damage because the volt arc that occurs when the current enters and leaves the body in addition to damaging the skin, may cause cardiac arrest and death.
The cases are unfortunate because maybe someone with no experience trying to manipulate electrical wires in their home, office or on the street. Even worse children who unknowingly come in contact with electricity.
Having always food left in the oven, or perhaps in the microwave. The same with the transfer of hot food or maybe with boiling water to take to the bathroom and to warm water to take a bath.
A milder case from the point of view of the damage caused are the first degree burns from insolation. Although you do not need immediate treatment with surgery, the damage from prolonged sun exposure is irreversible, cell damage is stimulated and skin aging as well as causing skin cancer.
Sun bathing and tanning was once synonymous with welfare, today it’s reckless to be exposed in the sun without the proper protection with clothing and sunscreen.
Undoubtedly prevention is the key to staying healthy in many of the diseases that plague our society.